Under Bron #49 Tulbure, Nico O'Konor, Garage Sessions
One of the best months of winter has finally arrived: March. The club feels the spring around the corner and are ready to give you the last months in darkness before summer comes. Come in and get weeeeeird. A new karaoke club is taking place in Växthuset hosted by Zacharias Zachrisson. Wouldnt miss this for the world.
The Club
۵ Tulbure (Romania)
۵ Nico O'Konor (Ljudtendens)
Garage Sessions:
۵ Instinct
۵ DJ Døden (BBY Invites)
۵ CJ Scott (Velvet Pony, Biggies District)
۵ Marble & Toof (Garage Sessions)
The apartment
۵ Zacke's Kareoke w/ a bunch of famous friends singing their favorite songs
Art by: N.aleg
22-23 FREE | 23-01 150 SEK | 01-05 190 SEK | Age 21 years